Welcome back
Agape House

We are officially open for our in-person Saturday worship and Sunday service! Our Healing House ministry is available both online and in-person. We will have extra face masks, hand sanitizer, and cleaning wipes throughout the building and restrooms for your safety. Our online service is still available; if you are feeling unwell or have been exposed to COVID-19, we respectfully ask that you participate online to protect our church members. Masks are optional but recommended. Read more about NJ guidelines for churches here.
AHF at a Glance
About Us
At Agape House, we believe that the church isn’t about the building -- it’s about people. We think that you’ll find the people at Agape House Fellowship a friendly, multicultural group of believers in Jesus Christ. Worshipping as a family and participating in a tri-generational setting is central to what we feel is important at Agape.
Our goal is to be the best at what God has called us to be.

What to Expect
Making A Difference
Agape House Fellowship is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at every level of our family is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities.
If you are a husband or wife
Reinforcing our Commitment
At Agape House, we strongly believe that marriage is a covenant relationship instead of a contractual agreement. Serving together, 2=1, as a couple is a lost art in today’s society. Serving together is a life-long commitment. Actually, in a marriage, 1+1 can be larger than 2 if you and I try it using God's mathematics.

If you are a teen
Helping The Community
5 Rock Youth is waiting for you to jump in. "Be a 5 Rocker" in the Shepherd's hand to deliver fatal blows to all of the Giants in the land. (1 Sam 17:40).  We believe that to positively affect one’s community or nation, whether in the fields of technology, government, health, research, performing arts, or business, anyone, especially the young people that make up 100% of the future must first identify their passion in life. Then personal, academic, and relational skills come into play to accomplish their goals.

If you are a student
Ignite your Passions
Become a part of our Student Revival Group that is modeled after the Log College. The original Log College was the forerunner of Princeton University and was founded to raise up young people to excel in their calling based on these four principles: values, vision, gifting, and theology. Join us in our modern day Log College+ and connect with like-minded students in both local and global campuses.

If you are a seasoned veteran
Live out Destiny
We need you to take part in this journey with us to guide, mentor and coach the next generation as they face the mounting challenges in this land.  God is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob; so three generations fulfill and complete the covenant.

If You are a Volunteer
Global Impact One Thing at a Time
With global missions always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for reaching out both locally and globally. Opportunities to volunteer is something that we take very seriously. In fact, our team is working each and every day to gradually make a positive impact in the world. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.

If you are a parent
One Step at a Time
It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child.  We like to say that it takes a God-fearing community to raise a child.  Here at Agape House, you will find groups of like-minded parents trying to guide and lead children to adulthood with biblical truth and humility.  You will not be alone.